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joanteno | all galleries >> Various projects and other stuff >> An Abandon Boat Next to Coffee Roaster in Tiverton RI > pbase That Boat Week 3 January 26 2008 DSC_3306.jpg
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pbase That Boat Week 3 January 26 2008 DSC_3306.jpg

Coastal Roasters

How convenient - a boat with great textures right next to one of my favorite places to get coffee?
Thus, week 3 of taking pictures of the boat.

Spectacular sunrise on east shore road, near horseneck beach

Off to true RI diner with the slogan, "Don't be a dope, eat at Hope Diner"

"Bobby, a number 2, then 5, heavy. Did you hear me Bobby. Bobby.. "

Nikon D300
1/320s f/9.0 at 50.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 29-Jan-2008 15:25
I love this boat! I'd be taking lots of shots of it too! The colours in the sunset picture are stunnign also.
Greg Harp28-Jan-2008 03:58
Terrific composition.
Jackdad26-Jan-2008 17:33
I wouldn't like to go to sea in that! :-o
Stunning sunrise!
Katie Chew26-Jan-2008 17:18
Wonderful composition! V