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joanteno | all galleries >> My Favorites >> Some of my best shots > Pbase Pain and Death November 15 2006.jpg
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Pbase Pain and Death November 15 2006.jpg

Shot from last week trip to Salzburg..

I was fortunate to have the opportunity to speak
with physicians from several eastern european nations.
A common concern was the limited availablity of medicines
such as morphine for persons who are dying. That too often
persons died in pain. Some committ suicide.

Today, I was sitting in hospice IDT team meeting thinking about
what shot I wanted to use a PaD or picture processed on this day.
I choose this shot - mainly because we are very lucky in the US
to have access to these medicines for dying persons in the US.

So I am sure that the grafitti writer did not make the same
connection I did with the words of pain and death. I would find
it very hard to practice under the condition where I saw someone
in pain, knew that there was medicine that was cheap that could
improve their qulaity of life, and that medicine was simply not

The rest of the sentence in blue was, "what more can I say? "

Nikon D80
1/125s f/5.6 at 18.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Alexander06-Jun-2014 12:33
a powerful image, and your commentary adds to it. Thank you. V
Greg Harp28-Nov-2006 21:53
Marvelous work--and well said.
Steven Jusczyk22-Nov-2006 09:40
Strong image — and commentary.
Sharon Rogers19-Nov-2006 20:01
very nice colours and I like the way you framed it
Ray :)16-Nov-2006 05:28
Despite the negative conatations, I love this shot. Amazing how much English figures here.