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joanteno | all galleries >> Various projects and other stuff >> solid_fact_series_photos >> nature > Pbase November 15 2006 Fortres Salzburg Austria.jpg
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Pbase November 15 2006 Fortres Salzburg Austria.jpg

Beautiful day in Salzburg - had most of the day off.
Lot of shots to process, but may have to wait until I am back home.

Nikon D80
1/640s f/6.3 at 75.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 21-Nov-2006 13:35
You must be kidding me - I was here, in this same spot, this same morning, before a customer meeting and then driving to Munich. Damn!
optimist16-Nov-2006 20:01
Greg Harp16-Nov-2006 15:57
Beautiful capture.
Jackdad15-Nov-2006 23:11
dramatic setting for that autumn-coloured tree!
Guest 15-Nov-2006 20:55
What a great trip you are having! And I just mean the photographs.
Nicki Thurgar15-Nov-2006 18:31
Wonderful glowing tree in the foreground!