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Pbase View from the fortress November 10 2006.jpg

Spectacular views from Fortress overlooking Salzburg, Austria.

Had a late lunch while watching the rain in the next valley and
rays of sun.

Nikon D80
1/800s f/6.3 at 46.0mm iso125 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time10-Nov-2006 08:09:13
ModelNIKON D80
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length46 mm
Exposure Time1/800 sec
ISO Equivalent125
Exposure Bias-0.67
White Balance
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality
Exposure Programaperture priority (3)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Alexander06-Jun-2014 12:31
that's lovely
Jim Larkin30-Dec-2006 22:55
Absolutely stunning.
Andrew Cornick28-Nov-2006 10:56
Spectacular sunlit scene Joan. V
JW19-Nov-2006 21:36
Amazing scene and the light is awesome. Excellent capture ~V~
optimist16-Nov-2006 20:00
Nicki Thurgar16-Nov-2006 17:04
Incredible rays! ~V~
mollyb 16-Nov-2006 12:42
pure granduer... you captured it.
Ray :)16-Nov-2006 05:29
shatterbug16-Nov-2006 05:02
Great shot! That light is just amazing. V.
Greg Harp14-Nov-2006 22:03
Terrific shots. GMV
Tom Briggs13-Nov-2006 17:57
Great capture ... voted
Bryan Ramsay13-Nov-2006 03:30
Super shot of the mountains and the storm clouds! -BJ
Bryan Murahashi12-Nov-2006 16:16
Beautiful capture of this wide show of sunrays over the Alps. GMV.
Marco Valk12-Nov-2006 10:18
great shot; vote
Jola Dziubinska11-Nov-2006 20:46
Wonderful scene.
Jackdad11-Nov-2006 20:44
very dramatic!
hope you're not missing the pooches too much. :-)
Guest 11-Nov-2006 20:38
Heavenly mountain sun shot!
DeMorcan11-Nov-2006 19:26
Phenominal shot.
Marcia Colelli11-Nov-2006 19:18
very nice catch of the sunrays over the mountain. V
laine8211-Nov-2006 19:08
Outstanding !!
Guest 11-Nov-2006 19:01
Dan Chusid11-Nov-2006 18:34
Spectacular scenery.
zyziza11-Nov-2006 18:29
Wow! Great view! Vote!
Pic Chick10-Nov-2006 23:43
OH man this is sweet! I feel like God is gonna come right outta those clouds! V!
Zak10-Nov-2006 19:23
great shot!
royalld10-Nov-2006 16:58
Exactly what Sharon said... Wow!
Sharon Rogers10-Nov-2006 16:39
wow! what a wonderful sight!