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joanteno | all galleries >> Various projects and other stuff >> solid_fact_series_photos >> nature > pbase october 21 2006.jpg
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pbase october 21 2006.jpg

From the monring Java walk...

October 21 2006

Picture of the Week -

For DF, Fly free..

Nikon D80
1/640s f/6.3 at 82.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Betty Wilchek31-Jan-2008 01:13
Exquisite and simply gorgeous-Big Vote
Craig Persel01-Nov-2007 23:22
Simon Chandler28-Feb-2007 07:36
Bryan Ramsay29-Oct-2006 03:05
Wow, stunning fall shot! GMV -BJ
Focus25-Oct-2006 13:46
Greg Harp22-Oct-2006 21:37
Beautiful! GMV
northstar3722-Oct-2006 11:47
lovely indeed
Steven Jusczyk22-Oct-2006 08:42
Lovely shot!
QUERIDO22-Oct-2006 07:20
very nice shot,vote
JW22-Oct-2006 06:49
Ditto Sheila's comment. Those colours are amazing ~V~
Mindy McNaugher22-Oct-2006 03:25
Stunning colors, capture and reflections! Vote!
Gayle P. Clement22-Oct-2006 02:58
wonderful colors!
Katie Chew21-Oct-2006 23:58
Beautiful colors!
Sheila21-Oct-2006 22:57
You're kidding! Superb autumn colour, water, reflections, a great big bird flying over, blue sky, loving companion.... what else could you wish for! :-))
royalld21-Oct-2006 22:41
Wow. Magnificent color.
Jackdad21-Oct-2006 21:35
magnificent colours.
Sharon Rogers21-Oct-2006 19:09
super catch and colours
Zak21-Oct-2006 18:46
great catch!
ewa toll21-Oct-2006 18:40
great shot GMV
carol j. phipps21-Oct-2006 18:33
Beautiful pallet for autumn; bird's eye view. Vote.
Nicki Thurgar21-Oct-2006 18:14
Fabulous colourful reflections & a bird too! ~V~