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 Happy 78th Birthday 2 November 21 2005_filtered.jpg

Happy 78th Birthday 2 November 21 2005_filtered.jpg

My Mom's 78th Birthday cake!

November 21 2005

Wk # 48 Picture of the week

Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX1
1/8s f/2.8 at 6.3mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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jude29-Nov-2005 13:04
I love this photo! I had to search for it because you didn't put a link to it on your "favorites of Nov 21-27th".. ahem.. (evil eye)..
The point of view is just right.. making the cake look larger than life.. your detail and color are great as well. Happy late birthday to you mother. :D
Guest 23-Nov-2005 01:52
What a cake! Happy Birthday!
Sheila22-Nov-2005 14:45
Happy Birthday Doris!
My mum was Doris too :-)
Steven Jusczyk22-Nov-2005 09:11
She looks like she was really enjoying it!
Bryan Murahashi22-Nov-2005 06:18
Happy b-day to your mom. Very nice picture.
Karen Leaf22-Nov-2005 03:01
Happy Birthday Mom! Enjoy that delicious cake!
James Lundy22-Nov-2005 00:53
Nice happy shot. Happy birthday!
northstar3721-Nov-2005 22:33
Hooray! Happy Birthday!
Jackdad21-Nov-2005 22:05
what a beautiful cake. happy birthday!
ewa toll21-Nov-2005 21:14
happy birthday !!
Sharon Rogers21-Nov-2005 21:04
Looks a yummy cake! Happy birthday Joan's Mum.
Guest 21-Nov-2005 19:59
happy b'day! nice cake.
Linda Alstead21-Nov-2005 19:46
Happy Birthday Joan's Mum!