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joanteno | all galleries >> Pictures with most hits >> 1000 or more hits > 52 October 7 2005.jpg
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52 October 7 2005.jpg

Still in London in Seven Dials Region
Going to be in about 24 hours or so behind
in posting and not much time for comments.
Having trouble finding Wifi points that work..

Bear with me..

October 8 2004

Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX1
1/2s f/2.8 at 6.3mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Norbert Fortelny25-May-2007 13:37
Nice picture. Cannot say exactly why, colors are beautiful.
But that is not enough, there is a secret somewhere.
52? I thought the answer was 42!
Fred Parsons28-Feb-2006 00:48
Good color composition and "story" ;-)
Guest 12-Oct-2005 05:36
Looks like they're going to need to widen the door, or open the box outside!
northstar3711-Oct-2005 09:42
A good way to sneak out without paying the bill.
Sheila10-Oct-2005 13:43
Wow, Joan this is really nice, great colours. You have a good eye.
Stu08-Oct-2005 20:44
Gorgeous colours
Brian McAllister08-Oct-2005 20:36
Great comp and colors to this shot Joan.
Ray :)08-Oct-2005 18:10
Fabulous composition!
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography08-Oct-2005 13:20
Excellent! Beautiful colors.
Bob White08-Oct-2005 12:59
oooh what bright colors nice shot
Craig Persel08-Oct-2005 11:28
Nice image.
ewa toll08-Oct-2005 11:24
very nice colours !