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joanteno | all galleries >> My Favorites >> Best of 2005 >> calender_2006 > Joan H today show July 21 2005 p.jpg
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Joan H today show July 21 2005 p.jpg

NYC # 3

Went to the Today show -
Gorgeous summer day with ight breeze.

July 21 2005

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FX8
1/125s f/2.8 at 5.8mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Molly 18-Sep-2005 23:31
top photo. priceless
Guest 05-Sep-2005 16:07
i really like the way you captured her - teenage looks and a teenage stare. hardest thing to do - to show a human in a photograph.
steve mcsweeny23-Jul-2005 11:49
Awesome shot! Vote.
Steven Jusczyk22-Jul-2005 07:45
Nice job. Love the wisp of hair over the eye.
Mindy McNaugher22-Jul-2005 01:47
Like your perspective a lot! Great capture!
Glendower21-Jul-2005 18:18
Striking shot, the downward perspective is effective here as it emphasizes the ever so slightly cranky and confrontational expression of the subject. Look out world!