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Joan and As I lay dying 2 July 17 2005.jpg

Joan and As I lay dying 2 July 17 2005.jpg

Joan, my necie, and Nick Hipa
from As I Lay Dying at Ozzfest (see

July 17 2005

Pictures of my neice at Ozzfest!

Other members of As I lay Dying
Day # 2 Vacation!!!

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FX8
1/160s f/2.8 at 5.8mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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joanteno18-Jul-2005 23:44
Yes - this is her current favorite group!
JeremyGood18-Jul-2005 16:48
Looks like a good time -- her favorite band I assume.
Jackdad18-Jul-2005 09:38
strange choice of name for a band! your niece looks as though she is having fun!
steve mcsweeny18-Jul-2005 06:50
All nice shots!