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joanteno | all galleries >> Various projects and other stuff >> RISD Photo courses >> Rhode Island School of Design Photo Course - Photo LIghting >> Assignment 1 - show us you best 5 shots > java feb 25 2005 p.jpg
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java feb 25 2005 p.jpg

Another walk in the snow!

This picture is part of 2009 Labrador Retriever Calender that can be purchased at

Support independent publishing: buy this calendar on Lulu.

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FX7
1/10s f/2.8 at 5.8mm iso80 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 10-Feb-2008 14:59
What a Marvelous Capture of your Beautiful Friend...
This is truly a "Masterpiece"!
Simon Chandler28-Feb-2007 07:34
Great shot.
Kathy DeLuck12-Jan-2006 17:03
This is a great image. I just want to hug him.
Kathy DeLuck12-Jan-2006 17:03
This is a great image. I just want to hug him.
Guest 05-Jan-2006 11:45
Aw. This is really sweet. Looks like a nice dog.
Guest 05-Dec-2005 21:17
Aww. so cute. I love this picture. Voted
Jim Ross24-Nov-2005 19:59
Hehehe... made me chuckle... He looks so sorry for himself....
Renee Lockett23-Nov-2005 13:55
Can't help but smile at this one. What a photo! :)
J. Scott Coile22-Nov-2005 23:31
You have one too. Oakley loves the snow!
Guest 28-Oct-2005 01:53
What a great shot! Brings back many memories for me, thanks. And thanks for the comment on my doggy picture, I appreciate it.
JW23-Oct-2005 16:33
Hilarious, amazing shot!
Guest 23-Oct-2005 13:36
ha ha ha! that old man winter! what a great expressive portrait!
scott clarke23-Sep-2005 00:43
Yes I can see why, I love this photo. Regards.
Molly 18-Sep-2005 23:12
A favorite photo of mine, big time.
Graham Tomlin14-Sep-2005 06:07
good picture
Deepak01-Sep-2005 09:54
Ahh what a priceless look.Great capture
Guest 24-Aug-2005 01:37
Love the look
Al Chesworth22-Aug-2005 19:35
Brilliant image.
Manfred Bachmann07-Aug-2005 20:56
Fantastic portrait, i like the lovely expression!
Guest 10-Jul-2005 04:38
Love it! Chilly fun.
Guest 07-Jul-2005 12:12
Great shot - really gives an idea of your dog's personality!
Guest 06-Jul-2005 21:28
LOL! Nice capture.
Dennis Steinauer11-May-2005 03:28
Wonderful photo! What a sweetheart.
optimist24-Apr-2005 02:57
Classic Portrait
Guest 25-Feb-2005 20:56
cool portrait !!!
Nick Clarke25-Feb-2005 20:04
Great dog-trait! He looks like a distinguished gentleman of a dog!
Gail Davison25-Feb-2005 18:22
Beautiful portrait.
b-w studio25-Feb-2005 16:25
Nice portrait! Beautiful catch of his/her expression.
Glenn25-Feb-2005 13:26
I think he enjoyed it!
I like the visual impact of the perspective. The thought of him glows from within.
Guest 25-Feb-2005 12:30
poor fella, he/she is probably thinking please stop going out for a walk in the cold.
he doesn't look happy. :(