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joanteno | all galleries >> Picture a Day >> Picture A DAY OR SO 2009 - year 5 >> March 2009 Picture a day (or maybe not) > pbase getting ready to bark March 17_DSC3950.jpg
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pbase getting ready to bark March 17_DSC3950.jpg

Getting ready to bark..

Just finished a 3 day stretch on call - so first nice long walk and moki was getting ready to bark at the ducks.

Happy St. Patrick's day!

Nikon D700
1/50s f/3.5 at 24.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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laine8217-Mar-2009 23:54
hope you had a lovely the light !!
Sue Roberts17-Mar-2009 22:10
those ducks are pretty exciting! look at that look in his eyes! sooo cute!
Katie Chew17-Mar-2009 17:44
Very nice capture.
Bryan Murahashi17-Mar-2009 15:21
Nicely timed capture. Like the colors of light off his face.
Jackdad17-Mar-2009 13:02
great expression. I can almost hear the "wuff" that starts that volley of barks.
Breland17-Mar-2009 12:54
Beautiful lighting on Moki Joan. Well captured.