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joanteno | all galleries >> Picture a Day >> Picture a Day (or so) 2008 >> August 2008 - Dogs and Vacation > pbase It like herding Cats_DSC1584.jpg
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pbase It like herding Cats_DSC1584.jpg

Is seems so simple.

I love the shots of Pooch with the majestic scenery in the background or Anna (as in Analyzing Anna by Henk B. So I took the pooches off the Block Island RI for that shot of dog with historic light house in the background.

Nope. One is eying a sea gall, but at least sitting. The other is eyeing chewing the leather leash (Still teething).

Oh well ..

Some shots from my mini vacation to Block Island, Rhode Island

Nikon D700
1/400s f/10.0 at 35.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Jackdad28-Aug-2008 21:32
LOL it's not as easy as it looks getting one pooch facing the correct way, let alone two. That's a fine old building in the background and a beautiful beach.
Bryan Murahashi28-Aug-2008 05:18
Nice big sandbox for the Pooches. Beautiful scenery.
mollywb 27-Aug-2008 23:58
at first casual glance they both dogs look the same size!
Faye White27-Aug-2008 23:12
good doggies :)