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joanteno | all galleries >> My Favorites >> Barrington RI - My home town. > pbase serene on August 8 2011 1 of 1.jpg
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pbase serene on August 8 2011 1 of 1.jpg

pbase serene on August 8 2011 1 of 1.jpg


There is a serene and settled majesty to woodland scenery that enters into the soul and delights and elevates it, and fills it with noble inclinations.
Washington Irving

Leica M9
1/15s f/6.7 at 35.0mm iso500 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time08-Aug-2011 05:42:28
MakeLeica Camera AG
ModelM9 Digital Camera
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length35 mm
Exposure Time1/15 sec
ISO Equivalent500
Exposure Bias
White Balance
Metering Modecenter weighted (2)
JPEG Quality
Exposure Programmanual (1)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Ron LaCroix12-Jan-2024 04:25
Taken on my 63rd birthday. Thank you very much for this gift!
bill friedlander16-Aug-2011 01:26
Lovely melancholy mood. Nice how every thing is shrouded in mist but the little black boat stands out on its own. V
Jackdad09-Aug-2011 15:56
plenty of noble inclinations in this shot!
Guest 09-Aug-2011 15:50
Superb balance of opposites!
Phillip Normanton08-Aug-2011 19:38
Oh yes - this really works with the misty high-key and the little black boat to anchor it all! :)
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography08-Aug-2011 19:02
Superb, mody and peaceful image, Voted.
Faye White08-Aug-2011 18:52