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joanteno | all galleries >> My Favorites >> Best of 2010 > pbase fruit July 20 2010 1 of 1.jpg
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pbase fruit  July 20 2010  1 of 1.jpg

pbase fruit July 20 2010 1 of 1.jpg

Busy day, thus my fruit prior to eating that Pear.

Leica X1
1/60s f/4.0 at 24.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Kim26-Jul-2010 22:19
Great colors, textures and comp. V
Katie Chew21-Jul-2010 22:40
Nice composition.
laine21-Jul-2010 21:30
Love pears the light on them here!!
Hubert Steed21-Jul-2010 00:28
Fine composition. V
Coleen Perilloux Landry20-Jul-2010 23:53
Nice light and colors. That pear looks yummy--with a nice piece of cheese, maybe.