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pbase Java and Ugly Doll December 16 2006.jpg

pbase Java and Ugly Doll December 16 2006.jpg

The board walk for the new condominium opened in Bristol.
Java new favorite toy is "Ulgly doll" - very soft, which he likes to carry around.

Nikon D80
1/400s f/10.0 at 12.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Andrew Cornick20-Dec-2006 11:45
Java, you are a wonderful soft dog! Nice picture as well, Joan!
Johnny JAG16-Dec-2006 20:34
He's just a big softy.
Katie Chew16-Dec-2006 19:16
Beautiul image. Love the shadows.
Shimon Levkovich16-Dec-2006 16:30
Beautiful image, well seen!!!