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Jan Wilson 24-May-2021 04:57
Hi Vern &Carol, I’ve lived in Or since 1962 in Springfield, then in Sisters, central Or. would love to reconnect with you both again. You have a very good eye for capturing the beauty in creation. Jan Wilson.
Larry Handal19-Mar-2021 23:11
Very beautiful layout
Kenny Eilers 23-Dec-2020 08:55
Gawsh...So neat to receive yer PAD "Buttermilk Sky" on FaceBook. I've not been seeing your PAD's for a long time. Have you not been participating or has my computer somehow lost your connection? Anyhow, I wish you all possible Christmas Blessings and a Happy New (and improved) Year.
Don 29-Mar-2019 17:23
Thanks Vern, that was my grandfathers name. You have some very nice captures in a state I have visited a couple of times. A favorite was my working for the forest service around Crater Lake, a beautiful area. Now stuck here in Iowa. Thanks DR.
Carl H. Johnson02-Jan-2018 20:49
Happy 2018!!!!
Gary13-Feb-2017 16:53
Those Mountains have a lot of history attached to them. Many of the early fur trappers and traders plied their trade in those Mountains.
Gary09-Feb-2017 17:09
Thanks, Vern.
Yes, so far I like the results, but I have not been taking as many pictures as I would like this Winter. Up until a few days ago our Winter has been quite snowy, and a lot of the places I like to photograph have not been accessible other than by snowshoe or snowmobile. I do not own a snowmobile so I'm left with snowshoeing and I am getting so I can not do that as well as I once did...
Gary19-Oct-2016 16:40
Many thanks Vern. Our Fall season was really strange this year, many areas the leaves died on the trees and others were gorgeous. Our high country snows have come early and many of the Larch Firs are loosing their needles, I was unable to get up to my favorite Larch Fir area with out chaining up all four tires...
Gary26-Jul-2016 16:31
Thanks Vern, the guy that lives there is often away for weeks at a time and the deer have sort-a moved in in his absence...
Gary22-Jul-2016 15:03
This Killdeer made her nest in our lawn and I have to detour around it until the eggs hatch. I'm hoping too get some images of the chicks when they hatch.
Gary08-Jul-2016 18:00
I do not know if I can answer your inquire concerning the two 150-600mm lens. I can answer your question on the Tamron, I am quite pleased with it' performance under all types of shooting conditions. As for your question concerning, seeking focus, I have had minor problems with that function. There is a switch on the side of the lens that can be set to full, meaning infinity, and 15mm. I find if I have it set on infinity I have less problems, if any. I'm not up to date on the present costs on the Sigma 150-500mm, but given the added 100mm reach I would defiantly go with the 600mm. I ran into a guy who was shooting a Sigma 150-600mm and he was quite pleased with it' performance. Both lens seem to have similar switches as far as VC. and the infinity setting. I handled his sigma and it was considerably heavier than my Tamron. I do tend to shoot more off hand than I really should, but I have been pleased with the results. I am not familiar with any of the Nikon products as I shoot only Canon bodies. I hope this answers some of your questions Vern....
Jack 03-Mar-2016 03:09
Great pictures, Vern. We meet at Delta Ponds today. I am Jack. Then book I told you about is DARK MONEY by Jane Mayer. Hope I see you again.

John Buffin04-Feb-2016 01:24
Great body of work. I'll be sure to come back often.
Susan Patterson 22-Aug-2015 22:50

Your photographic talent is amazing, not to mention your organizational talent. Thank you for sharing. Susan Patterson
Rick Kendrick 25-Jan-2015 02:11
What a great new layout. Beautiful job
Bea.23-Jan-2015 03:31
Your friend has done an excellent job Vern, shows your beautiful pictures off to perfection.
Ed R. 22-Jan-2015 22:48
Love the new layout on the website! Stay at it Vern!
barbarajoy09-Jan-2015 06:09
I've discovered your marvellous work and look forward to following you on pbase.
J. Neville 18-Oct-2014 19:29
Great photos! Look forward to future work. Are any for sale?
Joseph V Higbee31-Jul-2014 02:12
Your interest are quite varied. It makes for very enjoyable browsing. I will return often, I am sure.
Thanks for posting,
Guest 03-Jul-2014 15:18
Thanks Vern...
janescottcumming11-Apr-2014 21:13
Hi Vern,
Hope your recovery is going well. Looking forward to seeing your photos again.
Hernan E. Enriquez11-Apr-2014 09:48
Hi Vern,
Get well soon, we miss you!
Guest 19-Mar-2014 18:36
Hi Vern,

Yes there are some nice numbers, but they seem to be wide spread....
csmallari31-Jan-2014 11:28
Hi. You have so many amazing photos. I liked the landscape photos most specially. Thank you so much for sharing them with us.

Thank you for taking the time to comment of my bald eagle photo. Very much appreciated :-)
Guest 19-Jan-2014 16:49
Hi Vern,
Yes, that large white expanse in the background is a hay field and pasture. These rancher's in the Big Hole area have huge hay fields in which they utilize both as feed for their own herds and export overseas.
Guest 17-Jan-2014 16:31
Morning Vern,
I am, by far, not an expert on just how they stacked their hay, it was an art in those days, but they stacked it in such a way that it would shed the majority of the rain water and retain the integrity of the hay in the inner most part of the stack. The outer layer of hay exposed to the elements was discarded and the inner layers was used for cattle feed.
Guest 26-Dec-2013 16:11
Morning Vern,
Actually that "frosty image" was not taken on a regular river, it was photographed on a section of water entering one of our local march's near Bozeman, Montana.
Guest 14-Nov-2013 01:35
Hi Vern,
The elevation at the location I photographed that image is approximately 8500 feet above sea level...
Guest 16-Aug-2013 19:08
Opps!!! Miss dated my image..
Yup 2012 in Jackson Hole Wy.
Guest 17-Jul-2013 03:59
Happy birthday on July 20! God is good!
John C. de Freitas16-Jun-2013 13:21
Hi Vern,
I've enjoyed browsing your galleries... I like you style, you have some superb images.
Thanks for sharing .... John de Freitas

Guest 27-Apr-2013 15:08
Hi Vern,
No they have black wing tips and orange/red bills..
Guest 27-Mar-2013 23:46
Hi Vern,
Quite frankly I'm at an age(70+) where I'm beginning to have some vision problems and one of them is my inability to manually focus anymore... As for sharpness on the high side, if there are some I'm unable to detect any. I've read the same thing concerning the sharpness in this lens, but like I said I have no grips with it...
Guest 23-Mar-2013 04:08
High Vern,
Thanks for your nice comment on my HDR scenic...
The river is the Bitterroot River and the Mountains in the BG have the same name...
Guest 18-Mar-2013 16:45
Morning Vern,
I like this lens a lot, the only gripe I have with it is when I use my extender (1.4), the middle focusing points well not activate my auto focus feature. I have to use one of my outer points and then recompose my image. In doing so I often miss the shot. If you have good eye sight you can manual focus and take the shot, my eyes are not so good anymore so have to rely on the auto focus feature. The built in stabilizer is a great feature and works nicely in this lens. I have taken many off-hand shots with this lens and find them to be well focused..G. O'Dell
Guest 08-Mar-2013 02:00
Thanks for the nice comment on my Grain Elevator image....
Yes there is a county road between the Elevator and the rocky hillside.
Greg Mullin15-Oct-2012 01:11

Thanks for the comment!

I really like your galleries!

I visited the West Coast this summer! What a beautiful place!

Guest 04-Sep-2012 15:17
Thanks Vern, for your nice comment on my Moose image, and I appreciate your vote as well....
cits_4_pets10-Aug-2012 03:31
Nice galleries and very well presented. Your main gallery page is very attractive!
Thank you Vern for all your kind comments!
artist06-Aug-2012 10:03
Hi ... you are so creative .I like your works so much....I am an artist from Udaipur , India.i paint on canvas, paper etc .. I hope we can be good friends ....

what more can i say .. except keep-smiling ..
wayne_n30-Jun-2012 19:39
Fotabug, thanks for your comments to some of my photos... not only because I appreciate the comments, but because it led me to your galleries! I am looking forward to spending time here enjoying your beautiful photos :)
Guest 07-May-2012 13:41
No that's a Muskrat...
Guest 03-Apr-2012 23:25
The scene I posted was taken at Lake Como, seventeen miles south of Hamilton, Montana.
In the summer it is rift with water skiers and swimmers...
The only enjoyable time to visit is late Fall and Winter. No people and their dogs to trip over.....
Terry J. Graham29-Mar-2012 15:32
Very nice images fotabug, I really enjoyed looking through your galleries. Thank you for visting my little corner of pBase
Debbie B.21-Mar-2012 06:03
I'm going to guess I was about 6500 feet. I was well above lake level.
Kuriacose Joseph23-Dec-2011 03:31
You have a great set of galleries and pictures.
Guest 19-Dec-2011 14:24
Wow, you have some seriously great pictures.This will be well work a hour of time to look at. Best J
John Armstrong12-Dec-2011 13:15
Thanks for the recent visit and the many comments, I enjoyed looking at your work. All the best from Fayence in France

christopheru02-Dec-2011 01:21
You have some beautiful images here that are well worth looking at - I particularly like your low light work. Cheers!
Jenny Rankin 30-Nov-2011 08:38
Enjoyed looking at all your pictures. Can't believe how big your grandkids have gotten.
Would like to get in touch with Aunt Sandy and Auntie Carol would you mind passing along my E-mail to them. Lost the family network info when computer died a while back.
Gilbert Jottrand22-Nov-2011 14:36
Many thanks for visiting my galleries. I'm happy you like the beautiful mask from the Venice carnival.
Thanks a lot for all your kind comments
And if you want more, i'll give you an appointment in march 2012...
Best regards
Guest 22-Nov-2011 08:55
Thanks for the nice comment regarding the Jupiter shot. Happy Shooting ... cheers, Judd
Guest 22-Oct-2011 14:44
Thanks Vern for your comment on my Frosty Teasel image..
Actually we have been having morning frosts for the past week. I believe we are in for an early winter. The snows in the high country are earlier than usual and are already half way down to the valley floor...
Guest 06-Oct-2011 15:15
Thanks for your nice comment on my Fall Colors and Barn image...
Much appreciated...
Essie 21-Nov-2010 06:53
I have said this before. I always admire the fact that you seem to mainly shoot with available light. I always flash everything or need I say overflash everything. I really enjoy popping in and out of your Galary. Your pictures reflect the wonderful balance you seem to have with life. Congratulations.
norbi30-Oct-2010 22:23
Thank You Vern for visiting my galleries.
It is always great, to meet people like You, knowing they are in the same photographical "cosmos". My best wishes for lots of more great shots.
Best regards
Gail 14-Oct-2010 05:17
Hi Vern...long time no talk to! You would not believe how far I have taken the sugar free truffle ideas.....I am at the below email address. drop me a line.Great to see how far your photography has taken you...nice stuff!
foto-baja-mex09-Sep-2010 03:45
I just did another perusal of your galleries and have come to the conclusion that you should make some sort of concerted attempt to make some inroads into the professional ranks. You are better than most of them and besides you know how to spell foto or fota in your case. ;-)))
Grace Thurston 31-Aug-2010 09:22
Hi Vern came across this site and don't know how I missed it befor. Your work is just outstanding.Bless you with many more years of great photography..
Pete Rodgers 24-Apr-2010 20:02
Vern, you are way to good for me. I have not found the eagles yet but will. I appreciate you humbling yourself to even veiw what I post. :O)

I am mystified by how you get such a pro look. People look at my work and comment, wow another that's ALMOST as good as a WalMart 40 cent special. :O( Our blessings to Carol.
Guest 13-Aug-2009 12:21
Hi Fotobug,
Thanks for all the great comments you left in my galleries.
I wish I owned a D3X - I have a very well off friend you lent me his for a week. I am hoping for a less expensive D700x someday with that kind of high res sensor.
Guest 13-Apr-2009 23:15

I just want to say that you have a wonderfull gallery and a beautiful family.

Best Regards.

Jennifer 31-Jan-2009 03:45
hello! my baby is cute. great pictures. you have great talent!
Debby 29-Jan-2009 23:23
Hello Vern. Thank you for allowing me to come on here and tell you what nice work you do!! :) Photography is such a nice way to share the things that surround us that others may never get to see or enjoy. Thank you for that!!
Mark Krauss03-Jan-2009 00:17
Thank you for all the great work you do with the photogroups and as a photographer. I'm looking forward to your offerings for 2009!
carla 25-Dec-2008 01:14
i just wanted to say thank for all the beautiful pictures. and to let you know i've sent them on to a few of the friend here. i know they will love them too. hope thats ok.
yer cuz, carla
angie 29-Sep-2008 02:59
Hi dad,

I was just browsing thru your new photos you posted!! Beautiful, I am so glad you have this gallery. keep up the good work! your pics always make me smile.

love ya'

Guest 28-Aug-2008 01:02
You have a very nice galery. I enjoyed my visit. Look forward to seeing more.
Barry Ailetcher31-May-2008 03:59
Just looked at you picture and heck you have more hair than I do how did you do that?
you do some real super photography.
glad to know you on line.
Stephen Bruno 04-May-2008 16:54
I always enjoy your images, Vern. I visit frequently to see the new ones.
Guest 31-Mar-2008 04:25
Thanks for the positive comment! I see now you were the photographer for Pangborn's mag cover shot. Way to go!
Guest 03-Feb-2008 16:22
Thanks Vern for the nice comment on my image...
Strat02-Jan-2008 20:10
I see you've been busy Vern.
Love the red paint chip; color, composition and texture all in one.
Regards, Strat
Guest 25-Sep-2007 01:25
Hi fotabug

Thanks for your kind comment on my galleries.

You got so many good shots around your neighborhood. I am going for a short trip to Oragon next week, would you recommend some places for me to go, such as sunset photography or wildbird's.

All the Bests
Karen Hoyt26-Aug-2007 03:22
Enjoyed your galleries. Great work.
Guest 27-Jun-2007 14:04
You're already very good and I'm sure you'll post even better work in the future.
Guest 24-Apr-2007 18:59
You sure have been working on your galleries here at PBase and it looks absolutely GREAT!!! I hope one day to take shots even half as good as yours. You are a wonderful photographer. Thanks for your kind comments about my VA Tech gallery too. I still have over 600 more pictures to go through edit and add to it. It has just upset me so much.
Keep up the awesome work. It was good to see all you have done.
Martha Albuquerque28-Mar-2007 15:24
Hi there!
Many thanks for your nice words and support!
I'm glad to have found your great work! You have amazing images! wow! thanks for sharing it!
Guest 21-Mar-2007 21:33
Nice Gallery

Guest 08-Mar-2007 07:45
I stumbled upon your pictures by chance and I'm so glad that I did.
Guest 07-Mar-2007 07:27
Thank you for your message on my guestbook. I've enjoyed browsing through your galleries as well - great photography. Thanks for sharing.
s_barbour06-Dec-2006 12:32
You have such a stunning collection of photographs. I plan to spend more time having a look through them in the very near future. I especially like the way you have your profile page set up. I have tried to do something similar, however I lack the expertise in that area. I look forward to seeing more of your work!
Delmar (Pete) Rodgers 14-Nov-2006 06:19
I just viewed your images of the wet Carmel area Vern. They are splendid. The design, composition and esposure are very good.
Marco Valk27-Oct-2006 14:20
thank you for your kind comment on my images; you have some very interesting galleries;
grizzly bears indeed have that typical hump on their back wich black bears don't have. Black bears come in a wide variety of colours from black to cinamon to pure white (so called spirit bears)
Guest 23-Oct-2006 14:05
Thanks Vern for the nice comments on my images...
The picture of the Bitterroot River was taken about 14 miles south of Hamilton, Montana...
FairEnigma15-Oct-2006 18:56
Thanks for your Fun Comment...You have some Great Shots...I'll be back!
Mike Eubanks 06-Oct-2006 00:40
Tremendous photos! Reminds me how far I have to go and how much Fun I'm going to have getting there! Thank you for sharing!
Shelly- VA Beach07-Sep-2006 01:47
Thanks so much for your recent comments on some of my pics. You have a very nice site here & I will be back to look at more - lovee the herons!
Shirley Maranda 02-Sep-2006 01:51
Glad you liked the photo of my daughter, Jean. Thanks for visiting.
Cindy 22-Aug-2006 14:51
Thank you for all the delightful comments on my pictures! Coming from you that means a lot because you are a great photographer! I'm learning...
Carl 11-Aug-2006 05:06
Very nice site!
Ron Schroeder (Aphasia) 31-Jul-2006 23:36
Nice job with the pictures...........Picture.....Professional
Beth 18-Jul-2006 03:25
nice job with the pictures, i like taking pictures myself too...im not professional though
Sue Roberts17-Jul-2006 18:45
I'm so impressed with your pictures and will continue to visit your galleries,,, i put you on my fav list
Nelda 16-Jul-2006 20:46
I am from Latvia and I like too fotografing because in Latvia very beautifool nature.
Your foto is very, very prety, jou have talant, fascination!
Guest 07-Jul-2006 15:36
Thank you so much for all your comments!!
Guest 06-Jul-2006 16:17
Thank you for all your comments. Most Bizzare was done by saving in Tiff. and the colors really popped.
Katie Chew04-Jul-2006 04:03
Thank you for your comment on my photo of the Heron.
Jessica 01-Jul-2006 07:36
You have an outstanding good and well structured site. I enjoyed browsing through it
Monika 15-Jun-2006 07:01
Hi, you got a fantastic fotogallery and homepage. I'm a beginner and see, I miss the years from the 50th to now, to study fotography ;-) I hope, I will make one day 10% what you do right now. Hoping, to get old enough ;-)

greetings from Germany
walaj@yahoo.com 27-May-2006 22:20
Guter Stil mit Info und Geschmack. Muss schon sagen das nicht viele Seiten im Netz so sind.
Clara 26-May-2006 18:57
Wow! You've got some beautiful and impressive pictures!
Liza 04-May-2006 14:52
Your site is the best. I love your humour, layout, design and everything!
Alida Thorpe03-May-2006 22:39
I enjoy visiting your galleries. Thank you for your visits and comments to my site. I am happy to share this wonderful experience with someone who also enjoys photography.
Guest 25-Apr-2006 02:49
I think that you have a wonderful talent! You take glorious photos!
Guest 12-Apr-2006 03:38
Many thanks Vern for the nice comments on my images...
Igor Litin 13-Mar-2006 17:11
Please help me.
I have seen you used many different tele Nikon tele lenses. Can you propose me one. I want buy now cheap tele lenses for my Nikon d50. I am living at South Africa now. I wanted buy 70-210 D AF but I couldnt found one. May be you can propose something another with max focal length 200-400 mm. May be 70-300 G or D may be 55-200 may be something another.
I know you have great expirience and I hope you help me.
Best regards.
Guest 11-Mar-2006 00:58
Being from Eugene myself, it was a pleasure viewing your galleries.
Thanks and keep up the good work ;-)

Guest 25-Feb-2006 19:52
Thanks Vern for the nice comments on my Elk images....
Guest 20-Feb-2006 12:34
Thanks very much for commenting on my photograph of the fox. Yes, that's a fox and he was walking through my neighbor's yard a few evenings ago. Their habitat is being destroyed by development in our area. The photo is almost a 1:1 crop from the full frame.
Guest 19-Feb-2006 13:49
Thanks Vern for the nice comments on my image...
Naomi 08-Feb-2006 14:11
Thank you for the kind comment on my portrait gallery. Now I'm going to browse through yours.
Guest 19-Jan-2006 01:27
Guest 16-Jan-2006 05:42
Thanks for the nice comment, and your vote is much appreciated...
Guest 10-Jan-2006 00:37
The coyote was hunting a mouse...
Guest 10-Jan-2006 00:35
Thanks very much for all your very nice comments on my work, they are very much appreciated...
Guest 31-Dec-2005 18:56

Regard Francis and Happyhttp://www.pbase.com/franzschwaller/image/54187814
Guest 31-Dec-2005 12:37
Thank for you comment ,the fabulous Car Made is MayBach 57S
Regard Francis
Guest 22-Dec-2005 18:34
Thanks for your visit to my galleries and the nice comments you left, your vote is much appreciated. I enjoy your work, that's why I have you as a part of my favorites list...When a Bull is chasing the cows anything can happen, so one must be alert at all times.....
Guest 22-Nov-2005 06:57
I love your galleries! They are just beautiful, and you are so very talented. I had a relative that lived in Mackenzie Bridge, Oregon. Thank you for sharing your galleries with us - I have a lot to learn about photography and get inspiration from talent like yourself. :)
Dave Beedon05-Nov-2005 07:01
Came back for more beautiful pictures and left traces of my visit. I, too, retired in 2002 (12/1 to be exact).
Guest 02-Nov-2005 05:15
Thanks for your nice comments on my picture....
Guest 29-Oct-2005 00:45
Many thanks for your really nice comments on my images...very much appreciated...
Guest 28-Oct-2005 22:26
Thanks for your nice comments on my images...
Vixi 15-Oct-2005 17:31
Wat een prachtige vernieuwde website. Heldere opzet en ook een goede kleurstelling. Mooi.
Mijn complimenten!

Met vriendelijke groeten
sue anne08-Oct-2005 14:38
Looking at your gallery and like the one on the road - fun shot :) Excellent pictures.
Guest 05-Oct-2005 02:12
Your Bridges photos are beautiful! Reminds me of Bridges of Madison County.
Great galleries and wonderful work.

Kindest Regards,
Guest 05-Oct-2005 00:46
Our trip was through western Michigan from Traverse City to the Mackinac Bridge along Traverse Bay and Lake Michigan. The color change was intermittent thhrough this area. We crossed the Bridge at dusk. We then traveled to Escanaba which is 40 miles from the Wisconsin border in the Upper Peninsula in darkness. The picture that you chose was taken in Escanaba at first light on Sunday. The return trip to the Bridge`was very colorful. The last pictures taken that day were 20 miles north of Gaylord, Michigan. I took pictures today at Hawks Nature Center, an hour north of Detroit, which illustrate the spotty nature of our color change.
Geoff Smith03-Sep-2005 01:56
Vern: Thanks for the nice comments on my most recent photos. I'm improving each time out. Connie and I are enjoying the camera bags you sent. Thanks again!
Adele 01-Sep-2005 16:56
Your photos are wonderful! Thanks for sharing them with us. It is so nice to randomly find that someone you don't know loves the same things you do.
janetsplanet 29-Aug-2005 03:35
Hi Vern

Thanks for your constructive comments on my website - much appreciated. I particularly like your sunset photos though all your photos are great...keep up the great work!

Janetsplanet ;)
Yiannis Pavlis28-Aug-2005 04:08
i really enjoyed your photos.great eye .i will come back shortly for another visit.cheers Yiannis.
Debby 20-Aug-2005 18:14
Wow! You are a real professional. These photo's are so good. I especially love the one of the sunset over Fern Ridge wetlands, and at Alton Baker Park of the green meadow, fence, and trees in the background. It is hard to tell you which ones are the best....they are ALL so good. Love, Your cuz....Debby
janetspain17-Aug-2005 01:23
Thanks for your nice comments...your galleries are what I hope my photos will be like one day. They are so varied and wonderful. In the meantime, I'll keep oracticing! Janet
Guest 16-Aug-2005 14:41
A re-visit for me and I enjoyed all the new additions. Nice work!
Dave Beedon16-Aug-2005 07:35
Vern, Glad you enjoyed my photos and thanks for the comments---I love feedback. Fun to hear that you had been through the area south of Kennewick. As to more postings, I'm working my way down to Utah with that 2004 trip. Soon to come: Spiral Jetty and Antelope Island. By the way, the gallery that is password-protected will be available to the public in a few days. Cheers.
Kimberley Hannaman Taylor14-Aug-2005 17:54
It's been a pleasure viewing your Manmade Object Gallery. I enjoyed comparing your D70 shots to the Panasonic ones.

Also, thanks for visiting my galleries and for your comments. I will add you and stop by another time to check out your other works.

Happy shooting!
Mindy McNaugher10-Aug-2005 03:28
Thanks so much for going through my Nevada gallery and for taking the time to comment on so many images! I'm with you! I love visiting the desert, but love the trees we have back east too! Have just had a chance to look around your galleries more extensively. Beautiful work!! I'll be back to see more!
Thanks again,
Nora Larion 31-Jul-2005 22:26
Hi Cousin,
It was a wonderful surprise to have you drop by yesterday. I am only on here briefly, but like what I see. I will be back for more! Please come over anytime.
Nicki Thurgar31-Jul-2005 19:13
Beautiful galleries, you've really got some stunning shots! I will definitely be back for more! Thanks also for taking the time to comment in my galleries, much appreciated :o))
Barb25-Jul-2005 13:32
Thanks Vern for the comment on my Rapid River work up. It means a lot coming from you.
Always enjoy all of your photos and keep working to get some as good as yours, and Like DJ says you inspire all of us.
Guest 20-Jul-2005 16:26
Hi , thanks for visiting my gallery Deerpark. Ik like jour nice comments by several pictures. You have a lot of beautiful work, thanks for sharing. I will visit often. Greetings from Ieke
Guest 19-Jul-2005 04:33
Hi Vern - Thanks for all the nice comments on my California Gallery - I enjoyed browsing your galleries - especially the pattern, leaf and skies galleries. - Ann
Guest 19-Jul-2005 02:06
Hello, just thought I would check out one of my Dad's (Jack) "online photo buddies". I think that my favorite gallery is "Patterns", I think that the small detail captured is wonderful!
KimKong18-Jul-2005 12:37
Hello, Your galleries are great and my favourite ones are "Around Town", "Manmade Objects", "The Sky" and of course "PaD". I think you capture the atmosphere of places with a great talent and the quality is wanderful! I am looking forward to see more. Also thank you for visiting my tiny gallery. Kim.
Guest 16-Jul-2005 05:54
I thought it was about time I got around to signing this for you Vern. I really enjoy seeing all your photos, you inspire all of us.
Guest 13-Jul-2005 06:03
thanks for checking me out...your work is great too. I need to get back outside
Michele Rodgers11-Jul-2005 20:46
Thanks for visiting my galleries and your comments. I was just lookng through yours ... stunning. Love the shots of your grand children ... beautiful kids. You live in such a glorious area of the US ... one big photo opportunity. Thank you for sharing all these great photos. I will visit often.
AviBen11-Jul-2005 01:45
I love your galleries. I particularly like the loving pictures of Carol, and this one:http://www.pbase.com/fotabug/image/31500664
And-- thanks for visitng my gallery.
Dorothy Ehli 28-Jun-2005 22:38
Really liked seeing the pics of the fancy bus. It was nice of Barb to forward your stuff.
I'm still bugging Andy and LTD. They'll probably block my e-mail before too long. ;-)Weird cat lady of 34th and Donald.
Guest 25-Jun-2005 20:57
Great Photo`s.. and Gallery
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography05-Jun-2005 23:08
Great galleries, I have found a lot of beautiful pictures, my compliments :)
Mansour Mouasher14-Apr-2005 02:54
Thank you Vern for visiting my on-line photo galleries, and for taking the time to express your comments on my "Petra" album.
I browsed through your web site. Fantastic shots indeed!
Jenna 28-Mar-2005 17:23
Hey, saw your picture of Plains, Montana. I loved the angle. I grew up there so I think of it as a lot bigger than it is and your picture just reminds me of how small and wonderful it really is.
Mark Krauss04-Mar-2005 03:01
Vern, not only are you a great moderator to our group, but a splendid photographer. It is a pleasure to view your work.
Naturephoto Monique12-Dec-2004 01:09
You have some very impressive galleries, beautiful work!
Guest 20-Nov-2004 07:46
Beautiful! Your stuff really conveys emotions!
katy 05-Nov-2004 03:25
hi dad,
very nice pictures. You should enter the photo contest advertised on the family connection page. I know you would win. The problem would be..which photo to enter???
love ya, kate
Sandra Roberson 01-Oct-2004 21:45
I haven't had time to view all the photo galleries, but the ones I did couldn't be better in my opinion. You really caught the birds in flight on your coast gallery. The one with the fence and the bird is excellent. The water photos are beautiful. I will spend some more time when I can find it to view all the other galleries. Thanks for sharing. Sandy :)
Steven Parkton 19-Jul-2004 16:29
VL, This site does seem to run more quickly than the other, and the layout is really clean and easy to understand. Very nice! -SP
martyn 18-Jul-2004 20:09
Hi Vern, Nature is a great subject to photograph. You have done really well with these shots, they all work for me. Some of your flower pictures showed a lovely softness about them. The bird pictures are very sharp, and have great colour. One image made me think of neculear war, strange you may think..lol if pictures set off one's imagination they work, and that's what it's all about. Martyn