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Franz Bauer's Recent Galleries

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14-Mar-2025 13:38
Church of Saint-Jacques in Abbeville,France
< Church of Saint-Jacques in Abbeville,France >
12-Mar-2025 23:59
Mosaics, Murals, Reliefs and Sculptures on Viennas Facades
< Mosaics, Murals, Reliefs and Sculptures on Viennas Facades >
28-Feb-2025 00:31
Laon in France
< Laon in France >
27-Feb-2025 00:32
Douai in France
< Douai in France >
03-Feb-2025 13:39
Pipe Organs in Vienna
< Pipe Organs in Vienna >
02-Feb-2025 17:31
Modern Church Architecture in Vienna
< Modern Church Architecture in Vienna >
24-Jan-2025 00:22
Meaux, French City on the Marne
< Meaux, French City on the Marne >
23-Jan-2025 13:26
Cambrai, City in northern France
< Cambrai, City in northern France >
20-Jan-2025 00:23
Art Deco and Flemish Style in Bethune,France
< Art Deco and Flemish Style in Bethune,France >